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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

SKYDIVING or who wears a wing suit

Today I am going to talk about a wing suit as a form of skydiving. The wing suit is like a parachute that you can wear and it enables you to fly like a glider. You tube has got some killer video of these things and I don't mind telling you that this looks like it could get fun! Now these are nothing new in fact they have been around for some time as early as 1930! Now like any new technology there is a learning curve and according to Wikipedia 72 0f the 75 people testing these thing died between 1930 and 1961. By the mid 90's a French man Patrick Gayardon had a suit that was working out pretty well, and he was using it in BASE jumping (another post) and photography of skydivers. Of course ol Patrick crashed and burned but not because of the suit but from a accident from a rigging error, in Hawaii 1998. That did not stop em though and today the suit is manufactured by a co. called Phoenix Fly. I can't help but think of a flying squirrel every time I see these things. Stop on by you tube and check out these things, I would never try this of course but apparently there are a bunch of people who would, what about you would you even consider something like this?

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